Porcelain laminate veneers are a minimally invasive treatment option that offers outstanding aesthetic results. They are highly resistant to staining and do not undergo discoloration over time, making them the ideal solution for patients seeking permanent whiteness, a change in tooth shape, or an overall improvement in dental aesthetics. The average lifespan of porcelain veneers is approximately 15 years, but with proper care and routine maintenance, they can last much longer. In fact, there are documented cases worldwide where porcelain veneers have lasted 30-35 years. This treatment method provides a result that closely mimics the natural appearance of your teeth and serves as an excellent option to achieve your aesthetic goals.
During the application of porcelain veneers, a minimal reduction of 0.3-0.5 mm is typically performed on the natural teeth. In certain cases, veneers can be applied without any reduction (non-prep veneers). The extent of reduction required depends on the individual case, the positioning of the teeth, and the patient's aesthetic expectations. Each treatment is customized to meet the unique needs of the patient. With the right technique, porcelain veneers can provide durability and longevity for years to come.
Once applied using the proper technique, porcelain veneers function just like natural teeth. They are made from highly durable, break-resistant materials. Any force that would not damage your natural teeth will not damage porcelain veneers either. The bond between the veneer and the tooth is exceptionally strong, and once the veneer is placed, it integrates seamlessly with the tooth, forming a unified structure. This results in a safe, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing solution that offers both functionality and beauty.
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Yes, you can eat most foods just like you would with your natural teeth. For example, you can comfortably consume foods like almonds, peanuts and apples.
However, it’s important to avoid doing things with your Laminate Veneers that you wouldn’t do with your natural teeth. For instance, you should not use your teeth to open bottles of soda or crack walnuts. The same rule applies to Laminate Veneers.
If dental veneers are not the best option for you, we offer composite bonding as an alternative. In this process, composite resin is applied directly to your teeth. We will carefully shape the resin to mimic natural dental structure, crafting the perfect smile.
The process of getting laminate veneers usually requires two to three appointments. The first appointment includes a consultation and necessary preparations, while the second appointment is for the placement of the Laminate Veneers.
The information on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for a physician's medical examination or diagnosis of a patient.
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